
What Challenges do Dectec Solve ?

Companies need help to keep up with the pace of web3. Dectec solves the following challenges.

Centralization Issues

90% Global Market Share affirms Google's dominance in search influencing user access to information, impacting the diversity of perspectives and internet content.
The rise of Web3 and decentralized technologies is challenging the centralized control of traditional systems by redistributing power back to individuals. This shift fosters a more equitable and inclusive digital ecosystem, enhancing user autonomy and influence over their online experiences.

Trust is Unnecessarily Mediated

$4.4 Trillion global digital payment transaction in 2020 heavily relied on centralized payment processors.
In the digital world, trust is often intermediated, with payments and social interactions relying on centralized platforms. Web3, facilitated by technologies like blockchain, empowers direct peer-to-peer relationships, enabling users to transact without intermediaries, fostering greater autonomy and transparency.

Risk of Information Corruption

64% of Americans believed fake news caused significant confusion about current events.
The advent of Web3 marks a shift towards enhanced transparency, with Dectec at the forefront, combating misinformation and data tampering. This innovation empowers users, ensuring a more trustworthy and secure digital environment.

Imbalance in Technology

$900 Billion combined annual revenue of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple in 2020, underscoring the financial power held by a handful of large tech companies.
Large tech companies profit from user data but also wield control, sometimes censoring inconvenient users. Web3's decentralized approach empowers users to retain control over their data and interactions, fostering a more equitable online environment.

Dectec Web3 Advantage

Web 2.0
With Dectec Web3.0 Platform
User Interface
Web, Social, Mobile
dApps, NFT Clubs, Metaverse, Ecosystems
Financial System
Traditional finance with intermediaries
Smart contracts without intermediaries
Government backed and stored in a bank
Tokens built into blockchains with users as their own banks
Info Manager
Centralized platforms, servers and authorities
User Value
Lost to centralized platform
Contained allowing for never seen before stored work energy
Limited to prerogative of centralized platform
Open API-based and democratic
Centralized control, servers and software
Decentralized; peer-to-peer; no central authority; no single point of failure
Users must trust the companies behind them
Trust is minimized — trust the decentralized protocol
FANG and tech giants control power
Governance distributed to stakeholders
Business Model
Websites & platforms own customer data which is used to earn revenue
Blockchain allows for data owners to earn revenue from their own data
User Participation
Free services exchanged for user data
Users monetize their data
Dectec Empowers New Business Model

Dectec helps its clients generate new revenue through its platform. New revenue is generated via transaction fees, percentage of spent or volume, SAAS licenses, and membership fees.